Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal

Root canal treatment is a key part of dental care, with a 95% success rate when done right. Thanks to new technology, it’s now more comfortable and quicker for patients. While some tough cases might need extractions and implants, many times, a root canal is the best option. At Pulse Dental, we believe in keeping and guarding your natural teeth. This treatment helps us do just that, saving teeth that might otherwise be lost.

Why you Need Root Canal

Each tooth has a center pulp with nerves and blood vessels. If this pulp gets inflamed or infected from decay, dental work, cracks, or injuries, it needs attention. Without treatment, this can lead to severe pain, abscesses, and even tooth loss.

Procedure Steps

Before Treatment


  • Imaging Techniques: Using digital X-rays or CBCT scans, we evaluate the extent of the infection, its origin and extent of its spread.
  • Consultation: Based on these images, a comprehensive consultation with the patient helps clarify the nature of the problem and the best course of action.

During Treatment

Local Anesthesia

  • Application: A local anesthetic is administered to the affected area, ensuring the patient remains comfortable throughout the procedure.
  • Patient Comfort: Our team takes extra care to ensure that the numbing process is gentle, addressing any anxieties a patient might have.
  • Access: A small opening is created, typically on the tooth’s crown, to access the pulp chamber.
  • Elimination: Infected or inflamed pulp tissue is removed, ensuring no remnants remain which could cause future complications.

Cleaning and Shaping

  • Thorough Cleaning: The now-empty canals are cleaned to remove any residual bacteria and debris.
  • Shaping: Canals are shaped to facilitate the filling process. This step also ensures the removal of any potentially hidden infected tissue.
  • Disinfection: A disinfectant solution, commonly sodium hypochlorite, is used to ensure all bacteria are eradicated.

Filling the Canals

  • Sealing: The hollowed, disinfected canals are filled using a biocompatible material, most often gutta-percha. This material ensures a tight seal to prevent any future infections.
  • Secondary Seal: Often, an adhesive cement is also used to ensure a complete seal.

After Treatment


Tooth Restoration

  • Post-Treatment: After a root canal, the tooth may need additional restoration to return it to its full function and appearance.
  • Choice of Restoration: Depending on the tooth’s condition and location, either a crown or a filling is placed. This not only restores the tooth’s function but also strengthens it, protecting against potential fractures.

Root Canal Front Tooth vs. Back Tooth

While all teeth are susceptible to requiring root canals, the causes and implications often differ between front and posterior teeth.

Front Teeth: More exposed and therefore, more prone to injuries from accidents or sports. Their cosmetic significance means patients often prioritize treatments to preserve their appearance and function.

Back Teeth : These often endure the brunt of daily chewing and grinding, making them susceptible to cracks and decay. A root canal on these teeth ensures you maintain full chewing function and overall dental health.

Benefits of Root Canal

  • Immediate Pain Alleviation: Directly addresses dental pain at its source.
  • Natural Tooth Preservation: Avoids extractions.
  • Restored Function: Regain natural biting and chewing abilities.
  • Aesthetics Maintained: Keeps the natural look of your teeth.

Care After Treatment

Expect minor post-procedure tenderness. Over-the-counter pain relief and adherence to your dentist’s guidance guarantee a smooth recovery. Regular oral hygiene can make a treated tooth endure for life.

Common Misconceptions

  • Root Canals are Excruciating: Modern anesthetics and techniques ensure a comfortable procedure. 
  • Extractions are Superior: Keeping a natural tooth is always more beneficial. With proper care, a saved tooth can last a lifetime


Depending on the tooth, a root canal can take between 1-2 hours. Sometimes, the dentist or endodontist does the treatment in two separate appointments.

Yes, you can eat after a root canal, but it’s advisable to wait until the anesthesia has completely worn off to avoid biting your cheek or tongue. Stick to soft foods and avoid chewing on the treated side of the mouth until the permanent filling or crown is in place to protect the weakened tooth. Avoid hot foods and beverages immediately after the procedure, as the treated area might be sensitive.

In general, a root canal treated tooth is more fragile. It is difficult to pinpoint an exact time, however, a root canal treated tooth can lost a long time with proper care.

  • Immediately after: Numbness from anesthesia; avoid eating until it subsides.
  • First 24-48 hours: Mild discomfort; manage with pain relievers.
  • 2-3 days: Sensitivity may persist; eat soft foods.
  • One week: Most symptoms should subside; continue any prescribed antibiotics.
  • Post-recovery: It is recommended to get a permanent restoration, like a crown, for the treated tooth.

Inflammation: After the root canal procedure, surrounding tissues may be inflamed, causing sensitivity or pain when biting.

Missed Canal: Teeth can have complex canal systems. A missed or untreated canal can cause persistent infection or inflammation.

High Filling or Crown: If the filling or crown placed after the root canal is too high, it can cause bite misalignment and discomfort.

Residual Infection: If any bacteria remain after treatment, they can continue to cause infection and discomfort.

Cracked Tooth: The tooth may develop a crack, which can cause pain upon biting or pressure.

Defective Restoration: An ill-fitting crown or filling can lead to discomfort or bacterial leakage into the tooth

If a tooth needs a root canal, the only alternative is extraction of the tooth.

It is recommended to avoid smoking for a few days, smoking can delay the healing process.

Choose Pulse Dental for your Root Canal Treatment

Navigating dental treatments can be overwhelming, but we strive to simplify and demystify the process. Our skilled team, with the latest techniques, ensures your root canal treatment is effective and comfortable. With a success rate exceeding 95%, root canal therapy is a testament to the wonders of modern dentistry. Get in touch to learn more or book a consultation.

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