
Invisalign® is one the best orthodontic treatment of choice If you are concerned about alignment of your teeth . Due to its effectiveness and clear appearance and comfort, widely accepted as an orthodontic treatment option.If you are considering Invisalign® call out team at Pulse Dental for your free consultation appointment.

What is Invisalign®?

It is a brand of clear orthodontic aligners used to correct teeth misalignment. Traditional braces use metal brackets and wires to move teeth. In contrast, Invisalign® offers a more discreet alternative by using a series of clear, plastic trays that fit over the teeth.It has been used extensively around the world for the past 20 years and has shown very predictable results in treating a wide variety of tooth misalignments.Here is a list of orthodontic correction that can be done using this clear aligner.

What Can Invisalign® Fix?

Tooth crowding arises when there’s inadequate space for teeth in the dental arch, often causing overlapping and hygiene challenges. This condition can adversely affect the periodontal health. Invisalign® effectively addresses tooth crowding through custom-made, clear aligners, improving both alignment and overall oral health.

An open bite means the top and bottom front teeth don’t touch. It can make biting into food tricky. Invisalign® has clear braces that can help fix this. It’s a way to get a better smile without metal braces.

A crossbite happens when some of your top teeth sit inside your bottom teeth instead of outside. It can make chewing food hard. .

Gapped teeth are when there are spaces or gaps between your teeth. These gaps can happen anywhere in your mouth. Clear aligners can help bring those teeth closer together . It’s a neat way to close the gaps without the need for metal braces.

An underbite is when your bottom front teeth sit in front of your top teeth when you close your mouth. This can affect how you bite and chew. .

An overbite is when your top front teeth cover too much of your bottom teeth when you close your mouth. It can affect your smile and how you eat. 

Sometimes, teeth just don’t line up right, making the smile uneven or crooked. Invisalign® provides clear aligners tailored to gently shift teeth into their proper places. It’s a modern solution for straightening teeth, offering both comfort and discretion without the bulk and appearance of metal braces.

There are always limitations and issues that might not address properly with clear aligners. It’s always a good idea to consult with your dentist to determine if this is the best treatment for you.If you’re considering this treatment, call us at Pulse Dental for a free consultation with our certified Invisalign® provider.


Is Invisalign® better than braces?

If you’re wondering whether which one is better than, the answer depends on various factors that need consideration. Here’s a point-by-point comparison of both treatments.

Feature/Aspect Invisalign® Traditional Braces
Visibility/Aesthetics Nearly invisible aligners. Noticeable metal or ceramic brackets and wires.
Comfort Smooth plastic with no sharp edges. Potential for occasional discomfort from wires.
Flexibility Removable for eating, drinking, and oral care. Fixed; cannot be removed by the user.
Duration Varies by case; sometimes comparable to braces. Varies based on complexity; regular adjustments needed.
Maintenance Easier teeth cleaning without aligners. Meticulous cleaning around brackets and wires required.
Cost Often higher; varies by region and complexity. Typically less than Invisalign, but can vary.
Effectiveness Best for mild to moderate issues; some limitations. Effective for a wide range of complexities.

Both treatments have their strengths. The best choice depends on the individual’s orthodontic needs, lifestyle preferences, and budget.If you are considering orthodontic treatment consult with us at Pulse Dental to determine which treatment is right for you.


Generally the average cost  of is between $3000-7000 depends on factors like complexity of case or length of treatment. At Pulse Dental we have affordable financing options to help you finance your treatment.

It varies by different insurances.Many insurance companies consider it as cosmetic treatment and don’t cover it. Some others pay just portion of it. Call your insurance company to ask about it.

It can cause some initial discomfort, especially when starting a new set of aligners. This is due to the pressure applied to move teeth. Most patients adjust after a few days, and many find the discomfort milder than traditional braces. Over-the-counter pain relievers can help manage any soreness.

Rinse under lukewarm water. Gently brush with a soft toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste. Periodically soak in cleaning crystals or denture cleaner. Avoid hot water and abrasive pastes

No, it’s recommended to remove your aligners before eating. After eating, brush your teeth before reinserting the aligners to maintain oral hygiene

You can drink water , but for colored or sugary drinks, it’s best to remove them to prevent staining and potential cavities.

No, it’s recommended to remove your aligners when drinking coffee to prevent staining and potential damage to the aligners.

Typically, it lasts 12-18 months, but it varies based on individual needs. Aligners should be worn 20-22 hours a day for best results.

Yes, patients with crowns can usually undergo aligner treatment. However, individual evaluations are crucial to determine suitability.

Yes, it can be used even if you have missing teeth. A personalized treatment plan will address the spaces and overall alignment.

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